Amazing volunteers making a difference in Aurora
In reflecting back on 2010, one word quickly moves to the forefront of my mind: IMPACT. In looking at the dictionary’s definition of IMPACT, several definitions are listed. These include, but are not limited to, influence, effect, and the force exerted by a new idea, concept, technology, or ideology. After a record-breaking and life-changing year at Rebuilding Together Aurora, I would like you to consider another definition of IMPACT: a collective group’s influence on other people’s lives.
2010 has seen the most growth, the most volunteers, and the most homeowner recipients in Rebuilding Together Aurora's history. We conclude the year having repaired 51 homes and helping 130 individuals, a shocking 200% increase from our efforts just two years ago. Doing this work, however, required an extensive task force including 68 financial supporters, 700 local volunteers, 1 staff member, 2 AmeriCorps members, 12 board members, 10 advisory board members, and several community partners. If you are a number-driven person, you will quickly see that this is quite a large group of people. If you look a little deeper, however, you will see an impressive, yet humbling, network of people banding together to do good in Aurora. The collective influence of this group has done the following:
· Improved the daily living environment for 129 low-income people by providing home repairs they couldn't provide for themselves
· Provided financial relief to 51 families residing in owner-occupied homes in Aurora and the surrounding area
· Improved a community of 172,950 people
Now that’s IMPACT!
As we close out a monumental year, I would like to sincerely thank you for being a part of our efforts in 2010. You’re support has allowed us to have an unforgettable IMPACT on many people’s lives and the community of Aurora. You have been a blessing to our organization and the family’s we serve and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
With 2011’s rapid approach, we would like to also ask you to consider joining and supporting our efforts in 2011. Although 2010 was record-breaking, 2011 presents an even greater need for low-income home repair assistance. Presently, we have over 90 applications for assistance in 2011. If you are interested in being a part of our 2011 IMPACT, please consider volunteering with us by contacting Laura Mast at rtaoutreach@gmail.com. If you can find it in your heart to donate to our organization, donations can be processed electronically by going to www.rebuildingtogetheraurora.com or can be mailed to Rebuilding Together Aurora, 501 College Ave, Suite 101, Aurora IL 60505.
Last but not least, we have put together a video showcasing the powerful IMPACT of Rebuilding Together Aurora’s work in 2010 (take a look here). Enjoy and thank you sincerely for making it possible!
Emily Stern
Executive Director
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