Highlights include:
- We are pleased to announce that the 2011 April Rebuilding Event will be provide assistance to 33 households!
- "Like" Arista Hotels on FaceBook and RTA will receive $1,000 for an upcoming project if they get 1000 fans by Earth Day (April 22)!
- There are THREE upcoming volunteer opportunities for individuals and families-- April 16, April 21, and May 7!
- Purchase raffle tickets for the May 7 Volunteer Appreciation BBQ in advance from Emily Stern or any RTA board member! The cost is $3 / ticket or 4 tickets / $10. Prizes include, but are not limited to: 4 sponsor tent tickets to Ribfest 2011, 4 sponsor tent tickets to the Naperville Last Fling 2011, 4 White Sox tickets, a foursome of golf at Orchard Valley Golfcourse, and many more!
See what else we've been up to by viewing the newsletter here.
Want to start receiving the e-newsletter? Let us know - rtaoutreach@gmail.com
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